Choose a Microsoft 365 subscription

Choose the right Microsoft 365 subscription for your business to get the most out of your Microsoft cloud service. Watch this short video for a 53-second demo of how the Microsoft 365 plan chooser guides you to a decision that's right for your small or medium business.

Choose a Microsoft 365 subscription published by Everlasting Fairytale

We are one of the most experienced web designers and software engineering companies in the IT industry. We have designed and developed apps; Everlasting Fairytale, Everlasting Fairytale QuickStart, E.F. Dream, E.F. Magic and Ultimate Challange etc. Everlasting Fairytale Inc. is a family Company active in visual arts, entertainment industry, media and contemporary literature. It functions as Freelancing, Consulting, Interpreting and Translating, Software Engineering, Financial Consultant, Publisher, Digital Marketing, Advertising and E-commerce Company.